Thursday, March 1, 2012

CIO Squared - a better way to reach your goals?

It is always dangerous to generalize. However, when you think about the people you know who read magazines such as CIO (or other industry/professional type publications) there is always one person who likes to take the smallest possible blurb and turn it into the next big thing. That isn't me.

I do like to keep up to date on what topics the publications within our profession believe will spark our interest. Ultimately, being plugged in will spark something in my own thinking or be a trend/concern I will have to address at some point in the future.

This article from their digital edition written by Peter High regarding the CIO Squared is a good example of how we should allow our thinking as CIOs to expand.

We get so fixated on our strategic impact we sometimes miss how difficult it is corral and control strategy in an organization. However, innovation is the root of a valuable strategic plan. Putting more emphasis on how you affect the innovative cycle within your organization may be the best roadmap to having an impact on the strategy.

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