Sunday, May 6, 2012

Attacking Complexity: A CIO built it, but can a CIO fix it?

Several weeks ago I was having a conversation with another CIO and the topic of change and the perils of unaddressed complexity inside the IT bubble surfaced. To clarify, I define unaddressed complexity as complexity that exists for any reason other than as a requirement to solve a problem. It is a weed in our technical garden. 

The Chief Information Officer I was speaking with phrased his personal and corporate initiatives on this risk as “attacking complexity.” I love this type of phrasing because it genuinely focuses my thinking on the challenges I face every day and my approach to solving them.  

I started to develop a short list of concepts we should all put into our tool belt as we tackle the complexity issue:

1.       The problem will not solve itself. Simplification and the attack on complexity must be supported by dedicated resources. It is, at the core, an exercise in managing change. Managing change is as much about people as it is about technology and process - boots on the ground will be a requirement.

2.       A value proposition has to be developed that explains and measures the benefits of simplification in the context of those who will be affected. Remember, this is all about managing complexity as it relates to systems and technologies under the IT umbrella. As a result it is easy for us to quantify the benefits to IT when we simplify, but it is less clear how those benefits bleed into the lines of business the systems support.  Additionally, while the “what helps me, helps you” argument is real – I think every VP, SVP and CIO reading this knows a better cornerstone to your argument will be to clarify direct financial, productivity or customer benefits to the users of the platforms that will be simplified.

3.       Set targets, manage progress and report results. You can’t really attack complexity if you are afraid to shine a bright light on the problem. I am appreciative of the politics and risks that often creep into these types of exercises. Also, I understand that regardless of how “simple” we want the results there are many instances where complicated solutions make the most sense, but short term goals can be met by over complicated, poorly architected application/platform infrastructures. Long term success requires and mandates the attack on complexity. To reasonable and successfully manage to long term goals a plan that puts the task and deliverables in play is critical – even if it puts you or me at risk.

4.       Work hard, roll your sleeves up and don’t be afraid to engage directly. It is easy to try and stare at something long enough in the hopes it will go away, but getting traction on the most difficult problems may not require much more than an example. You, sitting in a room learning, partnering and contributing to the process.  Being a bridge from the safety of the systems in place, even if it is too complex, to the benefits of a simplified world is a worthy task for every CIO.
I am certain the ideas and approaches you all have developed are varied and equally worth mentioning. This is just my short list not “the” short list. Feel free to comment and share your ideas.


  1. In my perspective over the years what I have experienced is, we always fall into into 90:10 rule. For 10 percent of the issues we spend 90% of our resources. Instead of working on all complex issues one shot it is better to break them into smaller components and address it by priorities. Also things change as we progress and we might get better and newer ideas to address as we progress.

  2. During my Ph.D. years, my advisor told me "Noone appreciates people who make simple problems seem complicated. People appreciate those who make complicated problems appear simple."
